304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Fyrn Crafts Contemporary Heirlooms By Hand

We love handmade furniture. We love made in America products, and we love beauty. These are just three of so many reasons that we love Fyrn. 

Fyrn handcrafts furniture here in the United States and it’s so beautiful that you’ll never want to throw it away, but if you do… there’s a surprise waiting for you. 

About Fyrn 

As you can see from this DeHaro stool or this Linden chair, Fyrn makes spectacular furniture (and the majority of their products are individually commissioned). 

De Haro - Maple

They’re based in Connecticut and their founding principle is to make truly green offerings, the founder is sick of greenwashing that pretends to a higher ethical standard. 

So they aim to: create products that last, reduce consumption overall, be clear and transparent in the information they provide, and reach more people with fewer resources. 

Why We Love Fyrn 

The biggest difference between Fyrn and the industry as a whole is their incredible “Buy Back” guarantee. 

The company will, quite literally, buy back your pieces at any point in the future, for any reason. 

This gives you confidence in their value and ensures that the furniture will live on even if you’re done with it. 

That’s the ultimate in eco-friendly furniture manufacture. They are “products that never need to be thrown away.” 

Final Thoughts On Fyrn 

We couldn’t recommend Fyrn more strongly if we tried. They are a truly kind company delivering action over words and if you need furniture, they ought to be top of your list to talk to before going anywhere else.

You can find more information and shiny pictures on their site here.

If you’re looking for other well-designed inspiration for your home or life why not check out Shinola, these amazing smart blinds, and our guide to a minimalist bedroom