304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Tom Brooks

Tom Brooks

Minimalist Bedroom Ideas & Guide

minimal bedroom

Minimalism is the way to a happier life. By keeping things simple, we keep our mind clear and our priorities focused on things that matter. That’s why we made a list of minimalist bedroom ideas.  So, that you can carry…

Abode: Thoughtful Living with Less

Abode: Thoughtful Living with Less

We love cool collections of beautifully designed things. For example, we’ve featured Apartment Therapy, Swiss-Miss and Design-Milk on the site for their curations of the beautiful.  And now, we turn to Abode: Thoughtful Living With Less by Serena Mitnik-Miller and…

How Not to Kill Your Houseplant

How Not to Kill Your Houseplant

Not everyone has naturally green fingers. In some cases, it’s a real struggle to learn how to care for just a single plant and ideas of home composting or urban farming seem impossibly far away.  If that sounds like you…

The Little Book of Living Small

living smalll

If you’ve ever wanted to live in a tiny home or a small space but couldn’t work out how it could possibly make you happy – The Little Book of Living Small has the answers that you’ve been seeking.  Practical,…